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cya there
If you can eat, you can cook..
I have always been amazed over people or in this case guys saying that "Naa man I don't like to cook" or "No I can't cook and why should I when mum or my wife does"...
But let's get down to the nittygritty of this whole scene.
You can spoon up the food from the plate and pick up the glass of water and drink it, but you don't have the energy to make the food you are eating or pour the water into the glass that you are drinking from?
That's kind of hmm lazy if you ask me. And why am I saying that? Am I being the advocate of "Get all guys to cook" campaign? Naa not at all..
I used to live in England before, all on my own. It was a tough few years, considering the fact that I either had to eat out or make something myself. I opted for making more and more things myself. Yah sometimes the rice did turn out to be mountains of white stuff stuck together but after a while managed to make them totally separate hehe
All it required was a drive to the local market, and a few bags of groceries on the way back. Then onto the shared kitchen with an idea of what I am to make. Most of the times I would call mum in Norway to guide me through the process of making Pulao (brown rice) or Aalo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower). To just say the least I can say that those few years I spent in England were one of the best learning experiences of my entire few years I have been on this earth.
Being away from family was not so much fun but the fact that I had to work my way through with only 100 pounds in my pocket to earning 35 000 pounds a year gave me the sense of being confident enough to not think about petty things like few of my lovely fellow male friends would say "Cooking is for girls" and things they are grown up with which might not be their fault because their parents or lovely mothers "teach them" to be that way.
Why am I blaming the mothers? well here is the reason. It's ok to allow your mother to make the food once in a while, but does it mean that when you are capable of walking, talking, earning, selling, driving, etc etc you are too silly or lazy to be adding "cooking" into that list as well? Or is it that if you start cooking you will grow a ponytail and your friends will call you a "lady" instead?
I can very proudly say that maybe the values my mum injected in me helped me be what I am today. I don't feel that girls should be the only ones cooking in the kitchen neither do I feel bad when I want to help washing up the dishes after a long day at work.. why would I?
So to get deep down to why some guys don't like to cook or help along at home, below is a list of what I feel are the reasons.. you can add them in your comments too:-
Just a few of the things I learnt:-
Search around for small and simple recipes. What's the worst you would do? Burn the food? Well practice makes perfect and I am sure you will do well .. so what ya say? Wanna make something today?
But let's get down to the nittygritty of this whole scene.
You can spoon up the food from the plate and pick up the glass of water and drink it, but you don't have the energy to make the food you are eating or pour the water into the glass that you are drinking from?
That's kind of hmm lazy if you ask me. And why am I saying that? Am I being the advocate of "Get all guys to cook" campaign? Naa not at all..
I used to live in England before, all on my own. It was a tough few years, considering the fact that I either had to eat out or make something myself. I opted for making more and more things myself. Yah sometimes the rice did turn out to be mountains of white stuff stuck together but after a while managed to make them totally separate hehe
All it required was a drive to the local market, and a few bags of groceries on the way back. Then onto the shared kitchen with an idea of what I am to make. Most of the times I would call mum in Norway to guide me through the process of making Pulao (brown rice) or Aalo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower). To just say the least I can say that those few years I spent in England were one of the best learning experiences of my entire few years I have been on this earth.
Being away from family was not so much fun but the fact that I had to work my way through with only 100 pounds in my pocket to earning 35 000 pounds a year gave me the sense of being confident enough to not think about petty things like few of my lovely fellow male friends would say "Cooking is for girls" and things they are grown up with which might not be their fault because their parents or lovely mothers "teach them" to be that way.
Why am I blaming the mothers? well here is the reason. It's ok to allow your mother to make the food once in a while, but does it mean that when you are capable of walking, talking, earning, selling, driving, etc etc you are too silly or lazy to be adding "cooking" into that list as well? Or is it that if you start cooking you will grow a ponytail and your friends will call you a "lady" instead?
I can very proudly say that maybe the values my mum injected in me helped me be what I am today. I don't feel that girls should be the only ones cooking in the kitchen neither do I feel bad when I want to help washing up the dishes after a long day at work.. why would I?
So to get deep down to why some guys don't like to cook or help along at home, below is a list of what I feel are the reasons.. you can add them in your comments too:-
- The guy since childhood has been given everything on the plate
- He has not been taught the feeling that it's alright for you to help along
- He has been "taught" that kitchen is only for girls
- He has friends who are anti-cooking or have silly ideas that women are below them
- When the mother is away or no more, the guy continues same "thinking" with his wife
that now she will be feeding him as if he is a little baby
Just a few of the things I learnt:-
- Paratha
- Zarda (Sweet rice)
- Pulao (Brown rice)
- Aalo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower)
- Bhindis (Ladyfingers)
- Biryani
- And a few other things that I saw mum make
Search around for small and simple recipes. What's the worst you would do? Burn the food? Well practice makes perfect and I am sure you will do well .. so what ya say? Wanna make something today?
A life so temporary so fragile..

Just one of those random thoughts that strike my mind sometimes. I am reposting an article I wrote a while back.
Why do some people forget that they are just in this world on a temporary basis, after this life nothing they possess will stay with them or go with them where they are going.
Their grand parents are no more, some have lost their parents, their friends, their brothers, sisters, close friends.. and yet still don’t realize that what they have as in a house, a car, money possessions and everything around them is all going to stay right here.
And yes hmm there are no pockets on a kaffan (The white cloth covering the expired person)
What is our purpose in this world? Is it to earn as much money as possible? Well is it?
Lets assume it is..
We earn all the money, buy a massive house, a wonderful car and work in a big company showing the world that we are happy.
But are we? Are we really happy from deep inside? Who are we fooling?
Ourselves maybe?
So if we are fooling ourselves, isn’t it time that we stop right here, right now and wake up? This “waking up” is at least in our hands for the time being, but how many times do we forget to thank God when we wake up in the morning. Because just like all those we have lost in this world, who have left us nothing but a proof after proof that “you are coming where i am going”.
But why do some people forget that? Haven’t they seen their loved ones lowered into the darkest of the darkest parts of a graveyard? When they walk back home and sleep on the cozy lovely soft pillow don’t they realize that their loved one, their parents, their friends are at this very moment lying in the darkest part of the grave, amongst insects and other things that used to make them cringe.. things that which they saw in their kitchen they used to smack right there so they could have a clean house.. what now? Why can’t they realize that everyone is going to be reaching that place one day, without having any control over the date.
It’s like a plane journey, the only difference is that this journey will be a one way journey. Our luggage is our good deeds and prayers we have gathered by helping each other in this world, and the best part is the excess baggage is allowed.. but yes only of good deeds. If one has done bad deeds in this world, then expecting a good seat up there is kind of foolish.
But who has the chance to fix their life? Those that have already entered that grave or those of us who are lucky enough to be given a chance after chance, each second of the day? Why do most people still act like they are as dead as the dead themselves? Dead from inside…
I have seen people who see beggars and just the look on their face shows that if they even give them a single penny they will go bankrupt. But what do they lack? I must say that they might be suffering from amnesia. They forget their loved one they have just lowered into the grave a few days ago, they also forget that they only had a white cloth on their body. They also forget that their loved one didn’t have the car keys on them, or the keys to the safe, or the pin code to their credit card…
But yes!! They do remember and keep on doing what their loved one did.. to look at those unfortunate and laugh on them, they kind of keep the legacy going. But what kind of a lesson does one have to go through to truly realize that it’s time to wake up?
Does anyone know how we can wake each other up? Does anyone know any trick that I might not have heard of to keep each and every single thing I have managed to collect so that I can take it with me to the grave??
But yes, maybe I do know one truth. Something that no one can take away from me. That truth is hmm that the luggage I will take with me, is going to be the prayers from all those people who i could help in my lifetime by giving them time, by giving them support when they needed it, and by giving them money when even i didn’t have that much for myself.
I won’t forget where I am, and I won’t forget where I am going hmm I just pray and hope everyone else joins in and sees it. Not tomorrow, not after that. But NOW. Because no one knows where our next step will take us, no one knows how our words like swords go through the very core of someone’s heart.. I won’t forget that.. and I am sure you won’t either..
If we can help each other by helping those in need, no one can be luckier than us. If we can do it, if we can make time for it, its nothing short of a chance from God testing us, ke.. I give you the tools I provide you the platform, I give you the strength but are you going to use it to promote hatred and make the world just look at how to pleasure from life OR will you help those who have a right to smile and want to live but can not because you are too busy enjoying your life.. forgetting that they too are my people.
No, I am not going to do that.. I will definitely do all I can to change lives.
But still hmmm I sometimes wonder. Why do some people forget this…
The dreams we see..

What are dreams? Are they telling us something or are they just the product of our own imagination? Are dreams guiding us into doing things we wouldn't be able to think about if we were wide awake?
I mean there are times when our dreams can scare the daylights out of us, while other dreams can make us feel on top of cloud 9, not wanting to come down at all at any cost. But BANG the alarm clock turns on and pushes us back into our cozy wrap. But can we really control our dreams?
I read it somewhere that it's possible to do so. You just require the right amount of control over your mind. And you can dream almost about anything. But isn't that going to spoil the fun of "having dreams" you think? I mean look at this, it's just like this. See watching dreams as watching TV. You wouldn't want to KNOW whats going to happen and who the cast will be?
Even if you "program" yourself to be able to have the "cast" of people you want in your dream, still I guess dreams should just be left as they are. Because there is a good reason we have them. But there are obviously people who never have as many dreams as they want to. Does that mean they accomplished all their desires, and their body thinks they don't need them? Naa it's not that, its just different person to person, everyone kind of has them, some remember them and some don't.
I personally believe dreams have a very strong connection to who we are and where we are going. Ofcourse if i dream about jumping off mountains and flying in the sky it wouldn't mean I would take out my Superman costume and jump off from the highest building in Norway. There are dreams that can guide us in some way or the other, you will know when you see one.
A dream can either show you a solution to something, or give you lots to think about. Sometimes you would wish you never had that dream, and sometimes you wish you never woke up from the dream at all. Those of you who forget your dreams, get into the habit of writing your dreams. It can be a fun experience, because it doesn't take long before you will forget it all.
Ok now me back to dreaming of reaching the sky with my feet firm on the ground. Think that's one thing that I can do without dreaming :)
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