But let's get down to the nittygritty of this whole scene.
You can spoon up the food from the plate and pick up the glass of water and drink it, but you don't have the energy to make the food you are eating or pour the water into the glass that you are drinking from?
That's kind of hmm lazy if you ask me. And why am I saying that? Am I being the advocate of "Get all guys to cook" campaign? Naa not at all..
I used to live in England before, all on my own. It was a tough few years, considering the fact that I either had to eat out or make something myself. I opted for making more and more things myself. Yah sometimes the rice did turn out to be mountains of white stuff stuck together but after a while managed to make them totally separate hehe
All it required was a drive to the local market, and a few bags of groceries on the way back. Then onto the shared kitchen with an idea of what I am to make. Most of the times I would call mum in Norway to guide me through the process of making Pulao (brown rice) or Aalo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower). To just say the least I can say that those few years I spent in England were one of the best learning experiences of my entire few years I have been on this earth.
Being away from family was not so much fun but the fact that I had to work my way through with only 100 pounds in my pocket to earning 35 000 pounds a year gave me the sense of being confident enough to not think about petty things like few of my lovely fellow male friends would say "Cooking is for girls" and things they are grown up with which might not be their fault because their parents or lovely mothers "teach them" to be that way.
Why am I blaming the mothers? well here is the reason. It's ok to allow your mother to make the food once in a while, but does it mean that when you are capable of walking, talking, earning, selling, driving, etc etc you are too silly or lazy to be adding "cooking" into that list as well? Or is it that if you start cooking you will grow a ponytail and your friends will call you a "lady" instead?
I can very proudly say that maybe the values my mum injected in me helped me be what I am today. I don't feel that girls should be the only ones cooking in the kitchen neither do I feel bad when I want to help washing up the dishes after a long day at work.. why would I?
So to get deep down to why some guys don't like to cook or help along at home, below is a list of what I feel are the reasons.. you can add them in your comments too:-
- The guy since childhood has been given everything on the plate
- He has not been taught the feeling that it's alright for you to help along
- He has been "taught" that kitchen is only for girls
- He has friends who are anti-cooking or have silly ideas that women are below them
- When the mother is away or no more, the guy continues same "thinking" with his wife
that now she will be feeding him as if he is a little baby
Just a few of the things I learnt:-
- Paratha
- Zarda (Sweet rice)
- Pulao (Brown rice)
- Aalo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower)
- Bhindis (Ladyfingers)
- Biryani
- And a few other things that I saw mum make
Search around for small and simple recipes. What's the worst you would do? Burn the food? Well practice makes perfect and I am sure you will do well .. so what ya say? Wanna make something today?
Well said Wakas I believe that in todays world where women work n earn just as men do, are independent , the ancient roles played do not fit in with the modern day scenario.
I feel men make good chefs , even better than women infact :) so I always feel its always good to be self sufficient & know how to survive without some one to cater to all their needs.
In our countries there is this definite kind of roles that are kind of inculcated in children right from childhood.Like boys dont cry , its girlish or boys dont cook, its not their job.I dont think a man who can cook is any less of a man just becoz he gets into the kitchen. Generally like you said it is the parents who make that mindset happen in childhood.
I speak from experience.My husband apart from a cup of tea cannot make anything for himself, even walking up to the kitchen sink with his plate once he eats his food is not done & I totally feel its the way he has been brought up as my MIL says he works so hard so why cant you do that for him.Well i was working n earning as well :P It became such an issue when I had to leave out of town for a few days in a row just becoz he couldnt cook, till I found a cook for him.
But with my kids I have already begun training them .I don't have a "boy" role that they have to stick to.They pick up after themselves , they do help with chores like setting the table for a meal & since my son shows an interest in cooking i teach him little things like rolling parathas etc.
I rather have a well rounded personality in my sons with an ability to fend for themselves regardless of whether they have women in their lives looking after them or not .
If you look at it , a woman such as me , a homemaker generally goes unappreciated most of the time but if you look at it properly, you will see how good a manager she has to be, she manages within the alloted budget, she runs the home smoothly , manages kids, cooks well balanced meals & yea varieties to suit each member of the family & manages domestic help too if she is lucky enuff to have them , 7 days a week without a day off & after all that what she gets is' What have you been doing all day that makes you tired when you have been inside the home ':)hehe makes you wonder When all this would change .
I guess a modern day man, a new generation has already taken a step in the right direction so I dont have much to talk about on this :)
N hey I forgot to add this guys :P any of you need easy recipes I wouldnt mind sharing them with you all becoz i always appreciate a man who can cook :)
Nicely said bro, i hope all guys read n follow this example lol:) but jokes apart in todays day n age evn some girls dnt like to cook or r not good at it, like ehm me hehe well to be honest my story is vry similar to yours ;) mum used to teach me to cook things but although bein a girl i was never interested n never payed attention to the details really, but then i went to UK for 6 months n reality struck me hehe i started missing homecooked meals after a week, so i started making it at home slowly n at home i used to throw tantrums that i dont want to eat this/that etc n when i was there the most desirable thing for me was a simple homecooked roti n handi:) n as i started making it i started each n everything mum had taught me n realized that i can cook pretty well hehe if i want to...but now im back home so back to a realaxed mode hehe but atleast i knew how to n it helped me in the end atleast it saved my time, so what im tryin to say is, that there r even girls out there who are so busy with studies/careers that they neglect this area, but the fact is that one shud know these things, guy or girl doesnt matter!
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