What is this love all about anyway?

Love is an amazing feeling isn't it. Well I am asking those who have ever been in love or still are holding on to the most precious feeling in the world, that makes you be on top of the world by just trying to make your loved one smile :)

What is love some say. Is it love when you love someone because they love you? Is love when you love someone because you want them in your life and don't want them to be ever away from you? Or is love something that is pure as the air in the highest mountains, or deeper than the deepest of oceans.

Is love something that makes you feel stronger than you have even been before? Or does it make you weaker than the weakest of people you know. Has love really gotten the magic in it that makes the world seem its on your feet? Or is love something that makes you wary of who you are.

If you ask me I would say that Love is just a word. A word that each and everyone of us sees differently. I see it as first priority in anything I do when I am thinking of that special someone who makes my world so beautiful, for others it can be a second priority. It is a word that in my dictionary is the only word that makes me feel alive. Too Bollywoodish you may say but let me explain :)

We as human beings are creatures who tend to go towards those that tell us they love us and like us as who we are. But not forgetting the fact that there are people out there who might be saying things but when the time comes might leave you into a ditch where you would never imagine them being. So I would say that when you start having feelings for someone based not on lust you will see a totally different personality of the other individual.

When I look at people on trains, on the road, on the plane. I start thinking. And that too very deeply, and it always amazes me even more and more when i get into that thinking phase of looking at couples and wondering. "I wonder what he feels for the girl he is holding the hand of" or "They seem kind of stiff is this love or just a relation without any feelings". I mean during those few seconds of "reading people" I learn so much and then thank God for what I have, and that is a heart which when feels for someone, it never backs off. Is that good or bad, that's between me and God.

My advice would be to all those that feel love is not for them. Love is for everyone. All you need to do is open up and be honest with yourself, because that's the ONLY way you will be honest with the other person who you are involved with. Maybe it's kind of wierd, but I have the thinking that when you open your heart to someone and tell them that you love them you keep that "love" alive until the day you die.. If you have said you love someone and then backed off by the fear of the world, ask yourself one thing... Are you being fair to the very meaning of what Love stands for...

This topic we discussed on our liveshow on CrazeFM few days ago, not surprised at all that the world is full of people who have no respect for the word love, but claim to have lots of self respect. Sorry to say, it goes hand in hand.


Saanj said...

Wakas I really loved this article, where in you have explained what love means to you & Yeah there are so many different ways of looking at this beautiful emotion that it does get confusing at times.You have most beautifully expressed what love is to you.

Love, the word that is the single thing that makes the world go around, wars have been fought over love & history has repeatedly showed how many have lost lives over this single emotion.

Love makes one such a different person.Makes you compassionate, giving, caring, warm, soft, brings out the very best in one, makes one glow, look beautiful & makes one feel there is nothing they cannot face in this world, it energizes, gives life & makes one look at everything with a sense of wonder.

With so many positives to this emotion, why do we see shades of grey to this beautiful emotion ? We hear of spurned lovers killing the ones they claim to love, we hear of them attacking them with acid & we hear of possesiveness, would it be right to call all this pure love?? To me it would not be love but maybe want, lust.

So what is love...I would say to me love is giving, giving & some more giving.Taking should never be a part of it, because then it becomes a transaction.To me it is unconditional.To me love means a smile on my loved ones face, even if it means I may not be a part of their life.To me love means seeking happiness in the happiness of my loved one.To me love is the inner strength in me that makes me rejoice in life.Love is what makes every moment of my life beautiful , Love is the happiness I see shining in my loved ones eyes, Love is the lil things shared together, love is the warmth that keeps me secure.Love to me is a sense of utter peace that comes to my mind when I think of that special someone, the thought of whom makes every moment worthwhile, every challenge seem little & every major hurdle in life a little setback.Love is the forgiveness I have in me, love is the tears I weep when my loved one has difficulties & love is the hope that makes me look forward to tommorrow.

After saying all this I still feel all I said just doesn't do justice to what love means to me :)

desikudi said...

Beautifully written Wakas bhai. Hmm...I don't know what to say because you've so beautifully expressed what Love is and what it really means to YOU and your life.

Like you and Saanj di said, Love is such a beautiful feeling that I never really understood the so-called grey shades of "love". When you're in love, it's all about giving yourself, your emotions and your love to that person. It doesn't have to be that special someone, it can be anyone from your parents to your siblings to friends who've taught you one thing or another in life.

I feel like Saanj di has said everything that I would want to say about love. For me also, Love is seeing my loved ones smiling, taking away their pain, their fears and giving them whatever it is that I could within my power. Love is such a sacred thing for me because once I tell someone I love them, I mean it with every thing in me. The happiness of others is what makes me happy and what love is all about for me. Being at peace with myself and my loved ones is what Love is for me. Every little memory, every precious moment spent with my loved ones makes my world go around. Love is all about making your world go around. Being there for each other in happy times and sad is what love means to me. Being honest about my feelings, being sincere and forgiving is what Love is and thats what means to me.

For me, love is when i make someone laugh till they cry, someone I can be myself and be comfortable. Love is all about accepting one individual for who they are and not how they are. Love means true passion, courage,and loyalty. You have to be true to the one you love to have love. Love also means you have to have a "empty" space in your heart to take it like you want it. For me Love is trust, love is honesty, love is respect, and love is commitment. It's also giving someone the power to completely destroy your world but trusting them not to.

I don't know if anything what I said made any sense but thats what Love is for me. Love means nothing but yet everything it is what you make of it.

Love is a reason to live. Love is life or is Life Love? :)

Unknown said...

I appreciate the way you expressed this only feeling that makes each one of us alive
We breath thats true but when we breath, each breath has a feeling of love for some one for whom we want to live happily and forever.

Wakas today love is their but people have forgot the real meaning of love
Love is not only loving opposite sex, but for me love is their in my soul and not only i love my parents my friends, my colleagues, but when i walk on the roads, i love those people also who dont get love like beggars, handicaps, blind disabled, street animals
you know the most beautiful feeling what make me always happy is to give love to those who are not accepted by our society. love is not always physical, i smile at those people try to help them out and when i see their precious smile and happniness on their face with mouthful blessing, i feel am more happy and am alive, and i have done justice to my day
For me love is not something restricted only to my loved ones but a care and a warmth to as many people i can give by stretching my hands to help them to assist them
Wakas have u any time been to old age home, orphanage, blind school, mentally challanged homes,
u will find pure love their. U talk to these people only with love and care and they will give u unconditional love and warmth by just our one smile by just spending few minutes hrs with them, for them that is love becos they dnt have anybody to love them
Today people have forgot the real value of love
but i am happy as till the day i am there in this world will only give love to all
Wakas to end up just giving u a small but practical ex.
i have a pet dog who is always at home and whenever we go outside we leave him alone
but You know he never complains as he cannot speak
but the time i come back he loves me in the same way with more feelings without having grudges in his mind that i left him all alone
this love is unconditional
and for me this is the precious thing in life
Good job done all the very best and God bless you