Airports and the restrictions

Ohhh yes finally back in Norway. Was kind of missing it, had a fun time in London learning a few things about the products and projects I will be working on. I believe it's just about time that I start managing projects since that's what I love doing, making sure things work and so on rather than just doing only design related stuff.

I dunno how many of you agree but don't you think that airport securities have just gone too paranoid. Yes I know they should be a bit strict but to the extent of blocking anyone from carrying anything liquidish just because one nut said that they will blow up something with a liquid bomb, that's too much and stops lots of others from carrying things they need desperately. Well I was stopped because I had a lotion and hair spray (which I don't even use, i bought it only to get the sum to be 5 pounds because the shop won't give out money unless its that amount). Both those things were taken out, and the lady was quite kind in explaining why she has to do it. Didn't seem she was too keen on it though, as she was not happy with the rule being applied. She said a few tons of liquid is thrown every single day. I took the plane from Stansted, England btw.

I was wondering while going through the metal detectors, what would happen to a poor fellow who's pants are completely supported by his metal belt? And other issues such as people having "private" things in their bags that are searched in front of dozens of others peeping over your shoulder... Think there should be some form for privacy.

Not at work today, was feeling really unwell. And since a few very dear friends are not well will be sitting and praying that God shows a miracle and gets them to be proper soon. If you believe in prayers, despite your faith please do spare a moment to pray for a few dear friends who are going through major surgeries right now.. God bless them and all with good health.


PooriPagli said...

:) -;<@ Welcome back!! Feels good to have you back Wakas :) And Glad u had fun over there, as you are one of those very few ppl I know who are like addicted and crazy abt learning new things etc :P And thats not bad, infact a very good thing, so keep it up! Lots Prayers for ur success :)

Uffff the airport securities, heard they really done it very strict, very bad!! I havent had any experience so far but a cousin of mine couldnt take with her lotion and few other girly stuff, she were really mad at this new security system coz my God how will girls survive without those makeup things :P I mean seriously its really funny, and sad both at same time coz oki we cant blame them due to all this terrorism etc but this is too much...

I was reading the other day abt some new scan system securities in USA, were they will be scanning ppl b4 they can get onto a plane :P I mean Come on... Where is Privacy? Isnt that a terror not letting ppl have their privacy? I think it is!!

And yea btw poor that fellow of urs, really unfair hmmm...

Get Well soon :)

Saanj said...

Hey Wakas, Glad you are back.Am sure the London experience must have been great.I firmly believe apart from work, travel is the the greatest teacher as it teaches you so much more .Am sure was a fulfilling trip .

Oh Boy reminds me of a trip I took abroad to Switzerland soon after the 7/11. God were the airport authorities paranoid or what !!! Imagine anyone brown skinned being checked twice over & then your tooth paste n face wash being thrown out.I mean how was I to keep my mouth feeling good after a 4 hr stop over in Milan if I didn't have a toothpaste in my hand baggage.The most irritating part was getting us to remove our shoes & checking them , imagine in n out of our sneakers so many times.Harrowing.I guess the last trip I went abroad was far more easier n less harrowing than the Europe one.I didn't mind going through many screening machines but
Ya The Paranoia is what got to me too.

desikudi said...

Welcome back!!! Good to have you back home safe and sound. Glad to know you had a good time and learned new stuff :P

I definitely agree with you on this whole security issue. I get so fed up with this...I'm not sure if its similar in England/Norway but when I travel from US to Canada or Pakistan, they make me take off my shoes, my socks even and I wondered...for this one idiot, you're going to suspect each and every person who walks into this airport? They really are paranoid and I think its a bit too much because jis ne kuch karna hoga, they will find a different way to do it...!

On my last trip to Pakistan, they took my lipglosses, lipsticks, toothpaste, and a hand lotion and threw it right in the trash. Now what the hell is a 20 year old gonna do with a lipstick? The sad part is that they throw it in the trash right in front of you!

Like Pooripagli said, US is getting a bit too paranoid about this stuff. Checking before getting on the planes, checking as you get your boarding, checking as you go into the lounge, etc..Each day is getting tougher and tougher to travel by plane.

Anyways, glad you're back and hope yuo are doing well. :)

aun said...

aun Welcome back home!!!! ya sefe sound Wakasbhi i hope well doing ... and yes many rule everywhere ck airport now but my girls lucky did not ck in airport india gr8 new god bless aum om