The dreams we see..

What are dreams? Are they telling us something or are they just the product of our own imagination? Are dreams guiding us into doing things we wouldn't be able to think about if we were wide awake?

I mean there are times when our dreams can scare the daylights out of us, while other dreams can make us feel on top of cloud 9, not wanting to come down at all at any cost. But BANG the alarm clock turns on and pushes us back into our cozy wrap. But can we really control our dreams?

I read it somewhere that it's possible to do so. You just require the right amount of control over your mind. And you can dream almost about anything. But isn't that going to spoil the fun of "having dreams" you think? I mean look at this, it's just like this. See watching dreams as watching TV. You wouldn't want to KNOW whats going to happen and who the cast will be?

Even if you "program" yourself to be able to have the "cast" of people you want in your dream, still I guess dreams should just be left as they are. Because there is a good reason we have them. But there are obviously people who never have as many dreams as they want to. Does that mean they accomplished all their desires, and their body thinks they don't need them? Naa it's not that, its just different person to person, everyone kind of has them, some remember them and some don't.

I personally believe dreams have a very strong connection to who we are and where we are going. Ofcourse if i dream about jumping off mountains and flying in the sky it wouldn't mean I would take out my Superman costume and jump off from the highest building in Norway. There are dreams that can guide us in some way or the other, you will know when you see one.

A dream can either show you a solution to something, or give you lots to think about. Sometimes you would wish you never had that dream, and sometimes you wish you never woke up from the dream at all. Those of you who forget your dreams, get into the habit of writing your dreams. It can be a fun experience, because it doesn't take long before you will forget it all.

Ok now me back to dreaming of reaching the sky with my feet firm on the ground. Think that's one thing that I can do without dreaming :)


Saanj said...

Hehe Wakas funny we hit upon the same subject 'dreams’ on the same day as I just submitted a poem on dreams n see u have written on dreams . Its been said that in a 50 yr old mans life if you count the sum total of time he has spent dreaming it would be somewhere close to 5 years Hmmm that means he has lived in a parallel world for 5 years. Fascinating isn't it even though most of us don’t remember our dreams .

Dreams generally unfurl a lot of latent thoughts , an ultimate privacy where we see ourselves with absolutely no masks. Deep down our true personality is what surfaces in our dreams. Since a lot of times dreams arise out of our deep subconscious minds we often are just spectators of our dreams .If we learn to read them we unearth a whole new us. It shows us who we are when we are not tied down by what the society n people demand of us.In other words I would call it the nudity of the soul.Dreams reach out to the inner you & generally a lot of truths are told. More often than not we don’t have any control on our dreamz .

If one learns to interpret dreams one would discover a lot more. Our true personalities, some see what may happen in the near future or it maybe just a slipping away to escape reality :) We see hidden talents, discover talents in us & more.

I believe mind on the whole is such a powerful instrument in helping us reach towards what we want from life.So be it awake or in sleep if we focus our thoughts towards what we want from life, no energy in this world can stop us from achieving them .So yea dreams do come true when you want it badly enough, maybe not exactly the way you envision it but it definitely will come true.

So dare to dream n go for it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm wow Wakas and Saanj...Even I were thinking lots abt dreams yesterday!! What can I say.. By just mentioning the word "Dram" one start dreaming... I personally would say dreams are something that can destroy and make a whole Life and a personality hmmm, why I think that well simple coz b4 we take any action mostly we dream.. and then we think abt it and then we will go for it...So it all depend on what we dream that how we then lead our lives... As mention in the blog and as Saanj said some dreams we dont have control over, those are which we have when we are asleep...How to have control over what to dream and what not to while sleeping that I have no clue abt :P and I have never thought of controlling them either, coz mostly I personally dont remember them and if I sometimes do then im kind of lost in them all day long, but gradually their affect loose its power hmmm...

But what abt dreams that we have, Those dreams which are totally under our control, we have them to have something to live for and to just survive it thru this Life hmmmm... And those dreams are really scary oh yes... Coz when they on their way to be fulfilled which of course cant happened unless we put lots of efforts in achiving them, well its nothing more beautiful than dreams, and Life itself feels like a dream on cloud9 all the time.. But unfortunately when some dreams hits the ground then it might take Lifetime b4 one can dare dream and try to achive them!

Dreams are in other words our Imaginations we give colors to, and so very well said "If you can Imagine it, You can do it".. So If u ask me My dreams are very important to me and take them very seriously, all three types hmmm one are those I have no control over but remember after waking up, and 2nd those Dreams that I have thru my Imaginations and 3rd those I put in someone elses eyes and heart. Dreams are just as real as anything so shouldt be take for granted is what i would say :) hmmm...

So having realistic type of dreams one always will love dreaming and Life will become Heaven on earth, but dreams those hold no sense can make ones life pure hell on earth as well :) But then again having dreams for the sake of dreaming and having kind of a space or a world on their own with no reality attached...well Dream on then!