When do we question God

Don't you sometimes think that things are getting way out of hand and there is only one that can help you in this and that is God? But isn't it such that when you are going through tough times it's God who puts you through them, right? So how is that then. If we are in a tough test from God, we turn to him for help and leave everything in his hands. But what about those unlucky individuals who start questioning God for the pain and suffering he has put them through, I mean ok you are going through tough times but do you have any idea that millions of people from around the world might be going through worse situations than you can ever imagine?

I know someone who tends to fight all odds despite docs telling her she won't make it, she made it through each test, each surgery each point where others would have broken down, holding onto the love she cherishes so much. So to stay strong it seems, that hope has to be alive and with you all the time.

Then there is another person who is fighting death again and again and each time comes out stronger than before, with only smiles on her face.

When God puts those kind of tests upon those people he is not only making them stronger but also everyone connected to them. Do you not think that I have elevated my sense of faith and optimism since I came across those two and many more in similar situations? You bet I have..

All we can do when we go through situations like these is to just fight it through. I know its easier said than done, but I have been there done that. So out of experience I can say that God is the best kind of teacher ever. He gives you a test but also gives you all the help you need to pass it with flying colors.

So all of you who are sad or depressed, remember when God closes a door he opens up a window.. look for the window, it could be some very lovely friends waiting to share your pain. And remember those that take time to share your pain are the true diamonds, cherish them.


Unknown said...

I couldn't have agreed with you more. I think people who easily lose hope or give up on the odds should learn from this because we've seen people go through hell, hit below rock bottom and still not give up because their faith in God and their loved ones is what keeps them going.

I agree what you said about the people connected to those two have become much much stronger. When you experience something right in front of your eyes and you see how someone is fighting the odds, it makes you appreciate everything around you and gives you Hope that nothing is impossible. I know, I personally have 500% more positive than I was before and much stronger than before because you don't think negative, only positive and live on Hope. Umeed par yeh duniya kayem hai..so who says we should give up?

One should always look at the positive side of everything because somewhere down there, something Good has happened in disguise. You may not see it or realize it right away, but everything happens for a reason.

We should cherish what we have and not take anything for granted because the love, the pain, the tears, the laughter, everything we share with someone is what keeps us all going in the end.

Saanj said...

Wonderfully said Wakas n Anam :)

I agree that hope is what keeps most of us going & when hope is gone everything goes.

Personally knowing people fighting all tough odds to emerge winners has always made me look up to them as inspiration to think all positive n like mentioned makes me stronger as well.

I always believe that when life puts you through tough tests you better leave God to do the rest after you give it your best.God does help those who help themselves so staying with a positive frame of mind & an optimistic view at life generally gives an inner strength or an edge to face any odds life throws.

So do hang around people who believe in you, your capabilities & in God & nothing would seem impossible in this world.:)

Anonymous said...

Hmm Bhaijaan a wonderful topic. I did read this but since i myself wrote something similar kal about battling the odds and did a post, sho didnt wanted to add hea as well.
My personal opinion ish, NO. U cant question God for what he does. Who doesnt have problems in this world. Richer people have problems about getting more Rich and poor ppl have problems of getting enough for them.
As I said in my post too. Everybody ish Gods child and he takes care of you. If he gives you problems, he has stored answers to it too. Its just that we have to reach out and find it out. Bhagwan ke ghar we all r standin in a queue with out duas n prayers and our problems. And we feel when we r in pain, we r standin quite far away from it, but when we look closely, we see ppl who r standin ahead of us are more in pain and sadness than we are. So its our duty to give them the right of way and let them b in the queue first and let God take care of them first.
We all get our share of pains but with it we get lots to gain as well. Life our faith, hope, determination and willpower.
Accept things as it comes. Dun question why, rather say, Its okie, its come to me n not gone to my any luved ones. Believe in the prayers that others say it for you. Always respect that and live ur life accordingly. Stay strong and never give up and never ever question God. :)

PooriPagli said...

Questioning God?! Oh My God!!!
Hmmmmmm no way, this is something that is as sad and unfortunate as anything can ever be.. Coz if one start questioning God why he did this and that and gets upset with his plans and decisions, then they are really loosing it hmmm...

You have said it all Wakas, and the views above said the rest so I actually dont have much to say abt it but still what I want to add here is that when we dont Question God when he bless us, then why on earth can we even thing of doing it when he take away something or someone from us, so dont grant us with all that we desire and dream of... NO this is not how is works u know hmmmm... Whenever this thought cross our mind that "Oh God WHY" instead if we start focousing on "Thanx God" believe me it feels much more pleasent and much much more better. Coz one should never question God Allah for anything, only and only Thank him always always always... Look at less fortunate ppl around, there is always something to be Thankful abt, I personally think I should be Thankful until im breating coz u see there might be ppl out there who are breating thru with machines and cant breathe proper.. so Questionsing God for not fulfilling our wishes and dreams, and make the world as WE want it to be, is really foolish and unfortunate and quite selfish.. let go questioning him abt materialistic things hmmmm...

He is very merciful and Loves us very very much, and belive me if he puts uss thru difficult times, we should feel blessed and lucky that he remembers us, And we need to pray he never forgets us.. InshAllah!