Why nothing is impossible..

Actually I am a firm believer of the fact that nothing is impossible. And so true it is, that when you give your 100% to any cause you are fighting for or your heart's desire wishes for you to happen, everything around you definitely starts working along with you. It's just how nature works.

But shall we leave everything to the nature and just WANT to do something without even doing it? Well naa it doesn't work like that you see. In order for you to get something done, you simply have to do it. Lots of people want to have things done, want a new job, a new car, a new something something BUT they don't want to do anything in order to achieve what they desire. They are suffering from what we all know as "laziness".

But does laziness ever do anyone any good apart from making the person bloated like a potato and totally motionless? Laziness is something that needs to be the first thing out of your mind and your surroundings. If you have lazy friends, for God's sake get away from them (unless you are so lazy you can't move or walk away from them). But yes, it's very important that in order for you to be getting what you want to achieve that you also make it possible for things around you to lead you to success.

You can never be successful unless you feel that you already are, unless you feel that you are worth it and unless you feel and KNOW that you are better than the silly old negative dumbness that's lying somewhere hidden inside you that pops up everytime you want to do something so bad but can't.

Come on try it, write down the things you always wanted to do. Who knows about tomorrow. Go on a trip, fly over to your favorite destination, go meet someone you always wanted to say hello to, and the most loveliest thing of them all.. say sorry to someone you have hurt. And believe me, even that is not impossible :) Come on try it..


Saanj said...

Wonderfully said :) Yes when you channelise all energies towards what you want or desire in your life, be it the physical energy of working towards it or the mental energy of looking at it as something you want or need , nature & the universe move things around to make it happen for you.

Love the way the thoughts have been expressed :) Keep writing .

Anonymous said...

How wonderfully said bhaijaan. Cant agree less with you on what u have expressed. I totalli salute the way some ppl go about their lives with nothin ish impossible attitude.

We all have apprehensions about one thing or other and sometimes iz necessary to be a little careful as well when thinking nothing is impossible. Doesnt mean you hurt peoples feelings who you luv and go things. No, not that. It means reachin out for your goals. Doing a better for yourself, ur luved ones n also for the society.

Dont think too much, rather act on what u wanna do n wanna achieve. Sometimes it mite take years to get what u want, but always keep a thought that u can do it. Dun let nethin get in ur way :)

PooriPagli said...

Hmmmm Interesting Wakas :) And very well said as well.. Noting is Impossible coz Impossible itself says I M Possible, right!

I totally agree with the views above and everything, but sometimes no matter how hard one try to achive something its simply not possible and then I think one should realize that there is another force above there who has its own other plans, and we need to accept them and move on. Coz we cant have so called "zid/stickiness" there, can we? :)

Otherwise yes by hardwork and determination and complete faith and trust in ones goals, everything is possible, yea just we cant expect a Horse to become a cat thou :P Some ppl simply get the wrong meaning of "Nothing is Impossible" and thats sad!

Laziness isnt something that destroy ones image only in others eyes, but also damage the inner strength and the personality inside out hmmm...

aun said...
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